Up to 32% reduction
in heating costs when installed in wooden homes.

The gas enclosed
in this space (air, Argon, Krypton, etc.), loses heat by convection.

ICESUN Tempered Vacuum Glass is the only new energy conservation material in the world that can effectively insulate against radiation, convection and conduction. ICESUN Tempered Vacuum Glass performs better than Low-E insulating glass with an injected layer of Argon gas. Our glass helps you to create a warm and quiet home and provides you with a clear view through condensation-free windows.
ICESUN Tempered Vacuum Glass applications: Windows, Doors, Facade / Curtain Walls, Skylights, Refrigerators, Vessels and Trains.

Energy conservation has become a key element in new home construction and renovation of existing homes. Great strides are being made to create the most cost-effective approach to heating your living space. Canadians deal with long, harsh winters. The energy costs for heating the average home have increased greatly during the past number of years.
There are many effective passive approaches to heating your home; southern exposure is perhaps the one with which we are most familiar. Whatever measure is used to heat your home, there is one factor that can’t be overlooked — the glass of windows in your home. The glass in your home is a very big investment. Many homeowners in PEI and other parts of Canada have found it necessary to replace their glass sooner than expected. This replacement of glass involves a large financial cost.
Our company, ICESUN VACUUM GLASS LTD., has developed a revolutionary glass product that is manufactured in our plant located in China. What makes our glass product superior? Our glass is built on a concept design that centres on the principle of creating a tempered vacuum glass. To understand the principle associated with our vacuum glass, just adopt the principle of a thermos. We have the only industrial tempered vacuum glass technology in the world.
China’s current building energy consumption is more than 30% of the country’s total energy consumption. More than 50% of building energy consumption is lost through windows and doors. The glass portion accounts for more than 70% of the total doors and windows. No doubt the energy loss in Canada is even greater, due to long, harsh winters. Our studies and product testing for our glass indicate that our glass can save 32 % in heating costs when installed in wooden homes.